Springfield Business Journal_2019-08-23

G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S H A B I TAT F O R H U M A N I T Y O F S P R I N G F I E L D , M I S S O U R I , I N C . A D D R E S S 241 0 S . Sce n i c , S p r i n g f i e ld , M O 65 8 07 P H O N E 41 7- 82 9- 4001 W E B S I T E h a b it at s pr i n g f i e ld m o.o rg SO C IA L ME D IA / h a b i t at s p r i n g f i e l d mo @ H F H S p r in g f i el d TOTA L N UM B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 26 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $ 2 , 82 7, 52 2 TOP E X EC U T I V E L a r r y P ete rs o n , E xe c ut i ve D i re cto r B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I RP E R SO N : J a cq u e l i n e P o st, P re s i d e nt B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S J e re my H a h n E r i c G e r ke M il e s Ro s s Ke l l y Wa r re n J a n e l l B a g we l l B u d d y B a l l S teve B a ratt a M att C as h M eg a n Cre s o n D a n a E l we l l D u sto n Fa r re l l L u ke Fra s e r R a m o n a Ge o rg e Ro b H a i k J ul i a H o l me s A n i t a Ki n g C h r i s K ra n s R u sty M a c L a c h l a n A n d y Stewa r t Testimonials “My children deserve a place to call home. I have been working on my credit for three years now to try to be at a place where I can afford a home. I am stuck in the rent cycle. I basically work to survive and there are times I cannot do that well, due to high rent and high utilities. Over this last winter I had two months when my utility bill was over $500. I live in a poorly maintained home with disconnected ductwork, a leaking roof, moldy ceilings, and concrete blocks on the roof with disintegrated blue tarp shreds from covering the roof. I can only afford to survive with the amounts that I pay in rent and in utilities. However, I can only afford to rent houses that seem to have these maintenance issues and high utility bills. I have applied for a Habitat home to know that I am not just surviving but I am creating an investment that I know if cared for, will never be in the state that my current residence is in. My children will not have to fear being cold in the winter or safe from the elements. I would also like to show my kids that hard work and perse- verance do pay off and that no matter how long the road, if you keep at it, you will succeed. I heard about Habitat because my sister had a Habitat home, built about 10 years ago. I saw her work hard to get to where she is and the home helped her get ahead. I have seen the pride that she has in her home. I have been a single mom for the majority of my children’s lives and have worked three jobs at times to make ends meet. I would like to feel like it was all worth something, not just providing a physical home, but illustrating life lessons too. This opportunity means the world to me.” —Amanda, a Habitat homeowner Mission Statement Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. Service Area Greene, Christian, and Webster counties in Missouri Funding Habitat for Humanity of Springfield, Missouri’s model of homeownership leverages volunteer labor, finan- cial contributions, and donated materials. Like all nonprofits, we depend on volunteers and donations. Unlike other nonprofits, we have a steady form of income through ReStore sales and payments from homeowners. The ReStore accepts donated items from the community and sells those donations to the public. Our homeowners purchase their Habitat home with a 0% interest (0% APR) affordable mort- gage and their mortgage payments fund future homes. These sources of income, along with gener- ous financial donors and grants allow us to maintain a consistent level of service to our community. 12 Month Goals 1. Continue Neighborhood Revitalization efforts in Woodland Heights neighborhood located in Spring- field’s Zone 1 by collaboratively working to improve the community’s quality of life. 2. Build and renovate 4-6 houses a year for Habitat partner homebuyers living at 30-80% of the area’s median income. 3. Continue to grow our home preservation and repair programs that assist Springfield homeowners without the financial means to repair their home. Habitat serves nearly 100 households each year with repairs ranging from exterior cleanup to roof repair. Annual Events • Habitat Home Run: 5k, 10k, 1 mile run – August 24, 2019 • Hearts & Hammers luncheon – November 5, 2019 • Tool Belts & Bow Ties – March 27, 2020 How People and Businesses Can Help Individuals and businesses can donate funds, prop- erty and in-kind gifts to sponsor construction costs; donate to our Endowment Fund to sustain our orga- nization; or donate new and used home improvement items to the Habitat ReStore. We’ll even pick up your tax-deductible donations for FREE! The ReStore is open to the public, and funds raised support Habi- tat’s mission to build strength, stability, and self-reli- ance through shelter. 52 2019 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT