Springfield Business Journal_2019-08-23

39,481 Great Circle touched the lives of children, teens and families in 2018 1,123 students received educational services uniquely tailored to help them succeed 246 Autism residential, education and respite services served children and teens across the state 6,040 Foster care case management and support services impacted the lives of children and families 387 children and teens in foster care found loving forever homes across Missouri 2,074 youth received compassionate, supervised care around-the-clock in residential treatment services 3,511 Counseling and outpatient services gave individuals and their families the compassionate guidance to successfully navigate life’s daily challenges 3,942 In-home intervention and support services helped children and families build safe, healthy and functional relationships and home lives 2,876 individuals experienced the wonders of the great outdoors at Meramec Adventure Learning Ranch A Year to Re memb er