Springfield Business Journal_2019-08-23

Individuals and businesses with State of Missouri business income could make their donations go up to 65% further through State of Missouri tax credits available through the Discovery Center. You can double your impact or lessen the net of your financial gift through 50% NAP tax credits that go to fund the vital STEM & Opioid Education for All program, which is the only program of its kind in the world. This innovative program will provide quality STEM education to 10,500 individuals in the Ozarks over the next 3 years to increase the knowledge of the science and potential dangers of opioids and prescription medications. Field trips, families, and other visitors will be able to experience the new opioid exhibit housed in the ChromoZone Lab space by wearing protective lab gear, prescribing medication to their patient, filling the prescription they choose, administering the dose, and testing patient outcomes—teaching kids that medicines are safe only under professional supervision and for the person to whom they were prescribed. Be a part of saving lives and taking on the opioid epidemic. Email Rob Blevins, Executive Director, at rblevins@discoverycenter.org for more details. Make your donation go further with NAP Tax Credits 438 E St. Louis Street Springfield, MO 65806 | discoverycenter.org | 417-862-9910