Springfield Business Journal_2019-08-23

SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT 4 2019 GIVING GUIDE The staff of Springfield Business Journal is proud to roll out the 2019 edition of the Giving Guide. We know that area non-profits are too sel- dom the central focus of our editorial coverage to truly tell their stories. We are equally convinced that the health and well-being of these service agencies, charities, arts organizations and health resources are at the very heart of our community and create the environment required for local business to thrive. Beginning with SBJ’s first edition of the Giving Guide in 2012, we re- ceived numerous emails and phone calls of affirmation from the various participating agencies that this was the vehicle they had been looking for to reach an influential audience with their messages. The Giving Guide has become a critical tool for area non-profits to communicate their mission and goals, seek volunteers and donations, and more impor- tantly share their successes. Recently I sat down to speak with the executive director of one of our featured non-profits that provides food, clothing and shelter to those in need. I learned things in that short conversation that I assumed I already knew. I began to better understand some of the challenges of provid- ing services and programming in a way that is life altering, rather than just addressing symptoms. I learned of some of the funding challenges related to unpredictable giving and one-time gifts. I learned things that I hope will make me a more mindful giver. I hope you will read about our area charitable non-profits and service organizations with that same goal at heart. For those less certain about how to give, what to give or how much, the Southwest Missouri Giving Guide contains valuable “how to” arti- cles written by a number of professional advisors on everything from the steps involved in planning to charitable giving through estate plans, trusts and wills or through life insurance policies. For those already in the spirit and habit of giving, the guide provides some practical informa- tion regarding the current legal, financial and/or tax implications of their gifts. Special thanks go out for the sponsorship provided by UMB Bank. Their support makes it possible for more area non-profits to participate at a lower cost. Springfield Business Journal is proud to work with these or- ganizations for another year of giving. We encourage you to read, learn, act and to repeat often! Sincerely, Jennifer A. Jackson, Publisher Springfield Business Journal J e n n i fe r J a c k s o n P u b l i s h e r S P R I N G F I E L D B U S I N E S S J O U R N A L A D D R E S S 3 1 3 Pa r k Ce nt ra l W, S p r i n g f i e ld , M O 65 8 0 6 P H O N E 41 7- 8 3 1 -32 3 8 W E B S I T E s bj . n et C H A I R M A N A N D P U B L I S H ER J e n n i fe r J a c k s on B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S M a r ty G o o d n i g ht , V i ce C h a i r m a n E r i c O l so n , S e c ret a ry To d d B r i e r l y D i a n n e El i z ab et h M a r ’ E l l e n Fe l i n D i a n a We b e r P U B L I S H E R ’ S N OT E