Springfield Business Journal_2019-08-23

G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S D I A P E R B A N K O F T H E O Z A R K S A D D R E S S 1 9 01 E M e a d ow m e re S t , S p r i n g f i e ld M O 65 8 0 4 P H O N E m o b i l e : 41 7- 52 7-2 2 9 8 o f f i ce : 41 7- 5 01 - 4 41 1 W E B S I T E d i a p e r b a n ko f t h e oz a r k s .o rg SO C IA L ME D IA /d i a p e r b a n ko f t h e oz a r k s .o rg @ d i a p e r b a n koz k s @ d i a p e r b a n koz a r k s E M A I L i nfo @ d b oza r k s .o rg TOTA L N UM B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 2 . 75 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S 2 01 7: $ 35 8 , 0 00 2 01 8 : $ 43 8 , 0 0 0 FO U N DE R J il l B ri g ht TOP E X EC U T I V E Lo r i “ M i c ” M c Le r ra n , E xe c ut i ve D i re cto r B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I RP E R SO N : S t u a r t L i p s co m b, B o a rd P re s i d e nt B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S S t u a r t L i p s co m b K aty S p e n ce r S h a n n o n Te r r y C a ro l i n e R i c h a rd s o n J a n et Fu r n e a u x A my H e n s o n M att G ra h a m Lo rett a G u t h D o n Sm i l li e J e f f M i ya ke A m a n d a T h o m as J ua n O r te g a N i co l e W i s d o m J e n a l e i g h L at h ro p A DV I SO RY B OA R D C i n d y Fu l p Pat r i c i a B u r to n M a r y Boz a r t h S t a cey We i d n e r S t a cy S h e p a rd B a r b a ra M iya ke Diapers shouldn’t be a luxury. How People and Businesses Can Help We are a 501(c)(3) organization. • You can boost our mission accomplishment through monetary donations. DBO has been allocated $100,000 under the Diaper Bank Tax Credit established in Section 135.621 RSMo for the benefit of qualified financial donors. Donors should seek professional advice regarding their transaction. • Donate diapers, diapering products, period pads, and adult briefs. Diapers and briefs can be donated from opened packages. • Organize a Diaper “Change” Drive. Each dollar can diaper a baby for a day. • Volunteer to help at fundraising events or help us wrap diapers for distribution. Call now at 417-501-4411 or visit www.diaperbankoftheozarks.org. Awards Humble beginnings in 2012 by founder, Jill Bright, soon sprouted into testimonial accolades of accomplishment and effect. 2014 - Gift of Time Award 2016 - Dorsey Levell Lifetime Achievement Award, by Council of Churches 2017 - AFP Fundraising Professional of the Year 2017 - Ozarks Alliance Outstanding Achievement in Community Leadership on behalf of Women 2017 - SBJ Most Influential Woman 2018 - Ozarks Health Advocacy Foundation Child Advocate of the Year 2018 - Revel with a Cause Award, SW MO Excellence in Nonprofits 2018 - Executive Director of the Year nominee, SW MO Excellence in Nonprofits 2019 - Small Nonprofit of the Year nominee, SW MO Excellence in Nonprofits Mission Statement The Diaper Bank of the Ozarks keeps babies healthy and happy by providing access to diapers, basic needs, and educational resources to families in need in our community during pregnancy and beyond while increasing diaper need awareness. As champions of change, we strive to reduce Diaper Need from One in Three to None in Three through community collaboration, nondiscrimination, respect, and integrity. Service Area DBO serves 58 counties in Missouri and portions of several border states, and we’re growing. We donate diapers, period pads, adult briefs and other basic needs for over 100 affiliates, partner agencies, and non-profit daycares. Half of our partnering agencies serve the Greater Springfield Area. Our partnerships include CoxHealth, Council of Churches, Community Foundation of the Ozarks, and numerous other organizations working with us in various capacities. Funding On behalf of those we serve, we wish to thank all contributors for our income of: • 48% in-kind donations • 30% grants • 13% fundraising • and 9% monetary donations. 12 Month Goals There is no government assistance available for diaper purchase and diapers are taxed as a luxury item. At Diaper Bank of the Ozarks, our primary fiscal target is to distribute one million much-needed diapers across our service area. This means distributing 70-90,000 diapers monthly, which is achievable through our buying power and National Diaper Bank Network membership in conjunction with increased community support and donations. As advocates of self-reliance, we will expand our Diapers for Daycare Program in rural areas to help caregivers (sometimes facing the “cliff effect”) continue employment or formal education as we provide diapers required by non-profit daycares. Our strategic collaboration significantly impacts the health and happiness of babies, families, and communities, because having clean diapers reduces diaper rash, caregiver depression, and economic stress. Annual Events • Girls in Pearls – September 20, 2019 • Diaper Need Awareness Week – September 23, 2019 • British Invasion at Discovery Center’s Noon Year’s Eve – December 31, 2019 • Price Cutter Charity Championship Diaper Dash & bRUNch Bash – August 1, 2020 38 2019 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT