Springfield Business Journal_2019-08-23

G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S D E V E L O P M E N TA L C E N T E R O F T H E O Z A R K S A D D R E S S 1 5 45 E . P y th i a n , S p r i n g f i e ld , M O 65 8 07 P H O N E 41 7 - 8 3 1 -1 5 45 W E B S I T E d co o n l i n e.co m SO C I A L M E D IA /d eve l o p m e nt a l ce nte ro f t h e oz a r k s TOTA L N U MB E R O F EM P LOY E E S 1 35 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $5 , 82 2 , 7 1 1 TOP E X EC U T I V E Al l a n M c Ke l vy, E xe c ut i ve D i re cto r B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I R P E R SO N : J e f f J o h n s o n , B o a rd P re s i d e nt B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S D a n Mal a c h ows k i L i n d s ey L u n d G re g H orto n M eg a n F i n n D e l va n M i tc h e l l Au st i n O ’Re i l l y N at h a n Car te r J e n n i fe r H a ze l r i g g M el i s s a H i g b i e J ord a n H e in z C l i f f N u r n b e rg voter and support programs that increase funding directly to agencies providing disability and early childhood services. Explore opportunities to hire individuals who have disabilities. There are so many added benefits to business owners and the com- munity when workplace diversity initiatives include people with disabilities. Lastly, advocate. Be a voice for someone who may not have your connections. Ask us about our greatest challenges and how you can make a connection or meet a need. Those challenges change from day to day and person to person. Testimonials “I work with several individuals with disabilities who wish to seek employment. My clients range from those who have mild impairments to ones who require on-site coaching to assist them and their supervisors as they learn a new job. DCO has been able to meet my clients where they are, and they have been able to assist them in reaching their dreams. DCO staff has demonstrated kindness, patience, and understanding. They have also helped my clients improve with obtaining financial stability while providing local employers with a strong work force.” “My son has been receiving First Steps Therapy through Developmental Center of the Ozarks since he was two years old. He currently receives Occupational and Speech Therapy. When he first started, he may have only had a vocabulary of 20 words or less and had some sensory and body awareness problems. Since receiving therapy, he currently has more than 50 words and now can put 2-3 words together and can slightly express his needs and wants. He is currently working on improving his speech and language so that it is clearer. With Occupational Therapy, he is working on being more aware of his body and exercising his joints and getting the tactile impact feeling. Overall, DCO is great to work with and listens to me as a parent and helps get the support so more children can get the help they need to continue to thrive.” Mission Statement Developmental Center of the Ozarks makes a posi- tive difference in the community by providing ser- vices that enable individuals to reach and maintain their optimal level of development. Service Area Greene, Taney, Christian, and Stone Counties in southwest Missouri Funding Funding includes charitable contributions from indi- viduals, corporations, organizations, and foundations, as well as insurance, private payment, federal, and state pay. 12 Month Goals DCO is celebrating 65 years in the Ozarks this year. We remain committed to helping each indi- vidual we are privileged to serve reach his or her fullest potential and optimal level of development. In order to better care for our community, we are prepared to adapt to the ever-changing needs of those who have developmental disabilities. Goals for 2019-2020 include further development of staff appreciation and incentive programs, increasing financial reserves, and preparing for anticipated contractual changes. Annual Events • Wine & Whiskey Walk – September 20, 2019 • Turkey Trot – November 28, 2019 • Christmas Kickoff Movie Party – December 7, 2019 • Taco de SOMO – Spring 2020 How People and Businesses Can Help DCO depends on the generosity of the community for nearly 1/4 of its funding. So giving remains one of the most significant ways people and businesses can help. Giving does not have to be during a spe- cific time of year or tied to an event. Be an informed 36 2019 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT