Springfield Business Journal_2019-08-23

GIVE A GIF T THAT LASTS A LIFETIME Every day southwest Missouri children and adults are faced with debilitating health care needs they can’t afford. When you make a donation to the CoxHealth Foundation or Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals at CoxHealth, your gift helps your neighbors, family, co-workers and friends find the patient care they need. Every dollar goes to healing our community – providing medical care, training and equipment where we need it most. So when you give a few dollars, you’re giving more than financial support – you’re giving hope for a stronger tomorrow. Donate at coxhealthfoundation.com or coxhealthcmn.com today. Hi! I’m Vicente. Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals never gave up on finding me the care I needed. My name’s Karen. Thanks to financial support from CoxHealth Foundation, I was able to focus entirely on healing.