Springfield Business Journal_2019-08-23

G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S C O X H E A LT H F O U N D AT I O N A D D R E S S 352 5 S . N at i o n a l , S u i te 2 0 4 , S p r i n g f i e ld , M O 65 8 07 P H O N E 41 7-269 -7 1 5 0 W E B S I T E cox h e a l t h fo u n d at i o n .co m SO C IA L ME D IA /Cox H e a l t h Fo u n d at i o n TOTA L N UM B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 9 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $ 6 ,1 8 4 , 49 4 TOP E X EC U T I V E L i s a A l exa n de r, P re s i d e nt B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I RP E R SO N : Tyl e r Wat s key B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S J e re my Lo f t i n S a m C l if to n A n d y D a l to n Kev i n W i l l i a m s D r. R u s s e l l D ette n D r. J o se D o m i n g u e z J oh n Fo ste r M a r y Bet h H a r tm a n J e a n ette Hu tc h e s o n Ke n M eye r C h r i s N att i n g er Ke n Te a gu e D r. C h a r l es Wo o d a l l , II I C i n d y Wa i te s A n d y B a r t h o l o my Annual Events • CRAP (Colo Rectal Awareness Party) – April 25, 2020 • Girls Just Wanna Run – July 24, 2020 • Top to Bottom Golf Tourney – September 23, 2019 • Wrap It Up – November 14, 2019 How People and Businesses Can Help The greatest help the community can offer is to embrace healthcare as a vital piece of the success of our region. If we don’t have our health, all else suffers. Supporting the CoxHealth Foundation through dona- tions to our programs allows us to address red flag community issues and work in collaboration with other area healthcare partners to improve the health of our community as a whole. CoxHealth Foundation is engaged in tele-health in area schools to create greater access for our children and reduce absenteeism; grant support helped to make this possible. CHF is engaged in fighting the Opioid Epidemic with funding from donors to address education for patients, medication recapture, and other efforts that will reduce opioid use. Volunteers are always needed for our special events and programs as well as within the hospital. Testimonials “Thanks to the CoxHealth Foundation I received the medications I couldn’t afford and wouldn’t have to fight my cancer. I would have been back in the hospital in a week. They paid for my medications and I am working with them now to get into the pharmacy assistance program. I hope to work as soon as I can again but my cancer has made me so sick. Thanks to the Foundation, I feel better; feel like I am going to beat this cancer. I am so grateful to them.” —Susan R., Republic, MO  “I was diagnosed with ALS this past year. I am devas- tated as is my family. I found out CoxHealth has an ALS clinic and that the CoxHealth Foundation helped make it possible. I am so grateful for the excellent care, the compassion and the support as we figure out what’s next. Thank you CoxHealth Foundation for creating a resource for our community that is having a great impact on my and my family’s life.” —M. M., Springfield, MO Mission Statement The mission of the CoxHealth Foundation is to facil- itate through philanthropy the quality healthcare, education and research provided by CoxHealth. Service Area The CoxHealth Foundation serves all patients in a 25-county southwest Missouri and northwest Arkan- sas region. Funding The CoxHealth Foundation receives its funding from those impacted by the quality care provided by CoxHealth. This includes individuals, corporations, foundations, grateful patients, participants in special events and anyone interested in furthering the cause of quality healthcare through CoxHealth. Funding sources include grants, honorariums, memorials, and estate gifts, as well as direct donations to service lines including cancer, stroke, heart disease, senior health and others, and other donations directed to specific causes or fundraising campaigns. 12 Month Goals • Completing our $7 million campaign for the new Cox Monett Hospital. • Increasing funding for our HUG Fund, which provides for those needs patients have that are not covered by any form of insurance or federal program.  • Completing our campus renovation for Cox College and growing scholarship funding to support the expansion in student enrollment from 250 to 400 nurses to help meet nursing demand in our region and state. • Increasing funding for our Good Samaritan Fund that assists patients in paying medical bills.  • Increasing funding for pediatric specific programs as CoxHealth works to grow all areas of women’s and children’s care to address the needs of our local patients. • Create greater awareness for the impact of Estate Planning Gifts on community health at CoxHealth. 34 2019 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT