Springfield Business Journal_2019-08-23

G IV I N G O P P O RT U N I T I E S A D U LT & T E E N C H A L L E N G E U S A A D D R E S S 525 0 N Tow n e Ce nte r D r, O z a r k, MO 6572 1 P H O N E 41 7- 5 8 1-2 1 8 1 W E B S I T E Te e n C h a l l e n g eU SA .o rg SO C IA L ME D IA /te e n c h a l l e n g e /te e n c h a l l e n g e us a @ tc u s a /te e n c h a l l e n g e us a TOTA L N UM B E R O F EM P LOY E E S 1 1 A N N UA L R E V E N U E S $1 , 2 0 4 , 8 49 TOP E X EC U T I V E G a r y B l a c ka rd , P re s i d e nt & C EO B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S C H A I RP E R SO N : S teve Tra d e r, Pa sto r B OA R D O F D I REC TO R S John Rossi , Treasurer U.S. Army Officer, Retired Dr. Mark Maynard , Secretary Retired Professor Malcolm Burleigh Assemblies of God, Executive Director of US Missions Juan Cruz, Jr. Senior Technology Manager – Clinical Engineering Dr. Sue Gengler Health Education, Retired Jay Martin Attorney Daniel Ruiz Institute for Learning and Innovation Russ Tappero , Regional Rep Teen Challenge, Northwest region Snow Peabody , Regional Rep Teen Challenge, Southwest region Eric Vagle , Regional Rep Teen Challenge, North Central region George Thomas , Regional Rep Teen Challenge, South Central region Dave Rose , Regional Rep Teen Challenge, Great Lakes region Gary Bentley , Regional Rep Teen Challenge, Gulf region Beth Greco , Regional Rep Teen Challenge, Northeast region Brice Maddock , Regional Rep Teen Challenge, Southeast region Ava Oleson Marriage and Family Therapist Mission Statement To provide adults & teens freedom from addiction and other life-controlling issues through Christ-centered solutions. 2018 Program Stats • 207 Residential Centers • 7,498 Beds • 11,392 Students • 8,576 Decisions for Christ • 3,317 Baptisms Goals • Sustainability – Diversifying revenue streams and developing social enterprise strategies to support our centers • Curriculum Optimization – Develop & produce 48 new courses for our personal studies series to be used by students in the program • Leadership Development – Launch a robust online learning platform to invest in the development of our staff across the country • Technology Enhancement – Invest in technology to better improve our inputs and outcomes • Non-Residential Programming – Expand beyond our traditional residential programming to reach more people and provide better support to our program graduates • Scholarships – Create and maintain scholarship funds for those who are not financially able to enroll in our programs • Prevention Strategy – Revamp our current preven- tion program to make it more relevant to a new generation of young people 20 2019 GIVING GUIDE SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT