Springfield Business Journal_2019-08-23

SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL | ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT G I V I N G A DV I SO R S At Mid-Missouri Bank, we believe that any community bank can only hope to be as good as the community it serves. With 13 bank locations in 10 communities throughout the Ozarks, and a 14th location scheduled to open summer of 2020, we have a vested interest in the overall health for all of the communities we call home. With so many philanthropies needing assistance in southwest Missouri, it can be daunting to select which non-profits receive our assistance each year and which groups we hope to build relationships with in future years. Truly local organizations are our preferred community heroes. From Ozarks Food Harvest to Victory Mission to Care to Learn to Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ozarks, there is a long list of groups doing good right here. Because schools today are developing the community leaders of tomorrow, we’re passionate about our Investing in Future Leaders program in elementary schools, middle schools and high schools across the Ozarks. These programs are designed to fill the most pressing needs of each school, with the money and materials donated determined by the administrators in each district. In addition to the money and materials we donate each year, our teams of Personal Bankers and Local Experts also give their time and themselves to pitch in locally. Whether it’s working the concession stands at school sports events, ringing the bell for the Salvation Army during Christmas or volunteering to mentor and tutor the young people in the Ozarks, we are constantly investing locally to see local results and improvements. Mid-Missouri Bank is building the community bank of the future in the Ozarks today. It starts with having the best solutions for both personal and business banking. It continues with having the best people, the best facilities and the best customer experiences. Although we were chartered in 1872, we still consider ourselves to be just getting started as we continue to stay on the leading edge of security and technology while remaining the hometown bank of the Ozarks. Simply put, we give each customer a personalized experience and offer them better ways to bank. With 13 locations throughout 10 southwest Missouri communities, plus all of the online and mobile services that your modern life requires, we’re dedicated to meeting the financial needs of local families and businesses. And we always will be. Investing in Future Leaders M I D - M I S S O U R I B A N K A D D R E S S 35 4 6 E . S u n s h i n e, S p r i n g f i e l d , M O 65 8 0 9 P H O N E 41 7- 8 51 - 470 0 W E B S I T E m i d m o b a n k .co m TO P E X EC U T I V E S E r i c M c C l u re, C EO B r i a n R i e d y , P re s i d e nt J u st i n Wa g n e r, C LO M i c h a e l M i l l e r, CO O D a n C a n n e fa x , C FO LO C AT I O N S • S p r i n g f i e l d • Re p u b l i c • W i l l a rd • M t . Ve r n o n • B o l i va r • S to c k to n • E l D o ra d o S p r i n g s • Le b a n o n • J o p l i n • We b b C i ty 10 2019 GIVING GUIDE