Springfield Business Journal_2019-07-29

HONOREES Joel Alexander City Utilities of Springfield Jeff Allen BKD LLP Rob Blevins Discovery Center of Springfield Inc. Brad Bodenhausen Missouri State University Jeff Childs SVN/Rankin Co. C.J. Davis Burrell Behavioral Health Greg DeLong Morgan Stanley Kevin Dunaway Neale & Newman LLP Todd Edwards Lloyd’s Cleaners LLC John Everett Legacy Bank and Trust Matthew Hudson Ozarks Technical Community College Ben McBride McBride Law Tom McClain Willard Police Department Abe McGull U.S. Attorney’s Office Phil Melugin Phoenix Home Care Inc. Travis Miller Miller Engineering PC Gary Pendergrass GeoEngineers Inc. Jeremy Snow KOLR 10 & Ozarks Fox Shane Schoeller Greene County Mark Stratton U.S. Baseball League LLC P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S AT S B J . N E T/ M OT Y 1 1 : 3 0 a . m . a u g . 1 6 | W h i t e R i v e R C o n f e R e n C e C e n t e R Supporting Sponsors Charity Partner