Springfield Business Journal_2019-07-29
SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL · 19 JULY 29-AUG. 4, 2019 2019 ECONOMIC IMPACT AWARDS by Kathryn Hardison khardison@sbj.net Though Arvest Bank operates in over 135 communities, officials say the financial institution treats each area like home. Springfield is no exception. The bank’s local associates work to help those in the Springfield community find financial solutions for life but also actively participate in volunteer and nonprofit work to better the com- munity, says Brad Crain, president of Arvest Bank in Springfield. “A strong bank makes a viable com- munity,” he says. “I think we do that both on the business and the consum- er side by loaning to businesses and loaning to individuals who are in turn investing back into the community.” The financial institution’s services include mortgage loans and wealth management, small-business loans, agricultural lending and equipment financing. Crain considers the services as investments in the community. Philanthropy also has been a core tenet of the financial institution since it was founded in 1961, Crain says. In 2018, Arvest Bank and the Arvest Foundation donated a com- bined $560,000 to various nonprofits throughout the Springfield commu- nity that work in the areas of food in- security, economic development and K-12 education. Arvest Bank’s main charitable cam- paign is the annual Million Meals fun- draising event, which supports all 135 communities the bank serves across its four-state reach. Last year, Springfield’s bank pro- vided more than 56,000 meals for families as part of the compa- nywide cam- paign, which has donated 13.6 million meals and $2.3 million in the last eight years. Every dollar raised provides five meals to an indi- vidual in need. During a recent fundraiser for the United Way of the Ozarks, Arvest re- corded almost 100% participation from its Springfield employees who donated more than $38,000 through a one-time donation or recurring pay- ment commitment. Arvest associates also spent almost 2,500 volunteer hours last year with nonprofits, such as Ronald McDon- ald House Charities of the Ozarks, Harmony House and United Way of the Ozarks. Associates also volunteer in local schools, serve on nonprofit boards and committees, help those af- fected by disasters and participate in fundraising events. Crain says Arvest associ- ates are asked to contribute to local orga- nizations and n o n p r o f i t s they person- ally want to invest their time in. That way, he says, the finan- cial institution’s donations have more of an impact on the community to those in need and to Arvest associates. “We aren’t just writing checks; we’re investing the time in these plac- es to understand the impact on each individual level that our dollars and the time the associates give have in their lives,” he says. “Our associates are preparing meals and engaging in the lives of these people, and it makes it very personal for us and our associ- ates and the families impacted by what we’re doing with our giving.” PHILANTHROPIC BUSINESS OF THE YEAR Investing in a Community Arvest Bank • Provided 56,000 meals last year for local families facing food insecurity through the company’s Million Meals campaign • Donated $390,000 to 100 organizations last year across the area • Associates spent almost 2,500 volunteer hours last year with local nonprofits, such as Ronald McDonald House, Harmony House and United Way of the Ozarks JESSICA ROSA Brad Crain, left, with Tracy Barnas and Shane Cowger, says philanthropy is a core tenet of Arvest Bank, which is evident through its Million Meals fundraiser. We aren’t just writing checks; we’re investing the time ... to understand the impact.” —Brad Crain Arvest Bank
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