Springfield Business Journal_2019-07-29
18 · SBJ.NET JULY 29-AUG. 4, 2019 2019 ECONOMIC IMPACT AWARDS by Geoff Pickle · gpickle@sbj.net From its base in Springfield, Convoy of Hope provides humanitarian aid on a global scale. Officials with the nonprofit point to an ever-expanding network as the organization celebrates its 25th anni- versary. But the nonprofit’s goal hasn’t changed: “We’re a faith-based organi- zation with a driving passion to feed the world. We still do that, but we do it in a bigger way,” says Jeff Nene, na- tional spokesman and special assistant to President Hal Donaldson. Much bigger. Convoy of Hope’s most recent data show the nonprofit helps more than 14.6 million people worldwide, up from 12.5 million in 2017, says Public Rela- tions Director Jessica Blake. Last year, the nonprofit invested $151 million into its initiatives, which include feed- ing programs and disaster response. Every school day, Blake says, Convoy of Hope feeds 200,000 children in 14 countries. Its programs are backed by an operating budget of $178 million, which Nene says is overwhelmingly supported by donations from churches, businesses, government agencies, other nonprofits and individuals. “I think that really helps us to be known in the communities — know- ing we’re an organization that’s repu- table,” Blake says. “People can trust us and know that they can come to us with the needs that they have.” Disaster response also has become increasingly important as Convoy of Hope travels to local areas hit by tor- nadoes, coastal areas where hurri- canes are rampant and island nations damaged by tsunamis. Donaldson discusses the nonprofit’s mission in his new book, “Disruptive Compassion: Becoming The Revolu- tionary You Were Born To Be.” “People shouldn’t have to be mal- nourished. The sick shouldn’t have to die. The abused shouldn’t have to suf- fer,” he says in a promotional video, reading a passage from the book. The Convoy of Hope mission also has attracted endorsements and dona- tions from musical artists Taylor Swift and the Jonas Brothers, as well as NFL quarterback Drew Brees. “When you have people of some no- toriety, people look up to them and trust their recommendations,” Nene says. In the case of the Jonas Brothers, Nene says Donaldson wrote them a let- ter as he was familiar with their father, a former ordained minister at an As- semblies of God church. The brothers responded with a donation. A similar story came into play with Swift, who committed funding to help Louisiana families affected by flooding in 2016. After the Haiti earthquake, the Jo- nas Brothers again reached out to of- fer more help, Nene says. They were asked to use their fame on social me- dia for the cause. “It was unbelievable,” Nene says. “They put it on their Twitter, and it crashed our website.” Closer to home, Nene says compa- nies such as Bass Pro Shops have been heavily involved in Convoy of Hope’s operations. Founder Johnny Morris held a charitable event at a Bass Pro store after the Joplin tornado, for ex- ample. “You grow your reputation and or- ganization in that way,” Nene says of the nonprofit’s partnerships. CHARITABLE NONPROFIT OF THE YEAR Giving Globally Convoy of Hope • Serves 14.6 million people worldwide, up from 12.5 million in 2017, and has some 185 U.S. employees • Invested $151 million last year toward disaster relief and programs that feed 200,000 kids every school day in 14 countries • Operating income of $178 million, overwhelmingly from donations JESSICA ROSA Aria Spears, from left, Jessica Blake and Jeremy Williamson are part of the Convoy of Hope’s team that provides aid to 14.6 million people worldwide.
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