2023-2024 Odessa City Guide Page 71 The Lafayette County Courthouse, the oldest courthouse in continuous use west of the Mississippi River, is located in Lexington, the county seat. Presiding Commissioner Harold Hoflander, Higginsville 660-259-4315 Southern Commissioner Brad MacLaughlin, Odessa 660-259-4315 Northern Commissioner Dane Plymell, Higginsville 660-259-4315 Circuit Court Clerk Kim Mason, Higginsville 660-259-6101 Auditor Cherie Mason, Lexington Kali Rechterman, Higginsville (Rechterman is running unopposed in November) 660-259-6168 Collector of Revenue Lori Fiegenbaum, Higginsville 660-259-6171 Assessor Craig Williams, Lexington 660-259-6158 Treasurer Jennifer Jellum, Higginsville 660-259-3711 Recorder of Deeds JoAnn Swartz, Lexington 660-259-6178 County Clerk Jennifer Middleton, Wellington 660-259-4315 The role of Lafayette County Planning and Economic Development is to protect investment in rural Lafayette County. Zoning regulations have been in effect in the unincorporated areas of Lafayette County since 1987. Michael Brown is the Planning Administrator. The Lafayette County Planning and Economic Development office is located at 1001 Main Street in the historic Lafayette County Courthouse in downtown Lexington. The Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan can be found on the county website, www.lafayettecountymo.com. Those who have questions regarding building and sewer permits, land splits, changes in zoning or any other development in Lafayette County should call 660-259-4439 to make an appointment. The county Planning Commission meets as needed with representatives from each county township at the courthouse. Lafayette County Planning and Economic Development Offices are located in the Lafayette County Courthouse, Lafayette Hall and the Dryer Annex in Lexington. Office phone numbers and hometowns are listed. Prosecuting Attorney Kristen Ellis Hilbrenner Lexington 660-259-6181 Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys Adam Coffman, John Boyer Sheriff Kerrick Alumbaugh, Higginsville Gene Darnell Justice Center 107 S. 11th Street, Lexington 660-259-3392 or 660-259-3622 Coroner Dr. David Pulliam 660-259-3111 Public Administrator Linda Niendick, Lexington 660-259-4520 Associate Circuit Judges Division 1 Dennis Rolf Alma 660-259-6101 Division 2 Russell Kruse Concordia 660-259-2324 Division 3 Kelly Rose, Odessa 660-259-6101 Emergency Management Mark A. Appleby 660-259-6551 CountyOfficials