
2023-2024 Odessa City Guide Page 60 CommunityArts association Odessa Arts Association is a nonprofit community organization started in 2008 by a group of local artists with the purpose of gathering together to learn, explore and share artistic abilities. Group consists of artists of all ages, abilities and disciplines. An annual art show is held during the Odessa Puddle Jumper Days festival at the First Christian Church to showcase local artists of all ages and their artwork. Odessa Arts Association works with several local organizations, including the Lafayette County Juneteenth Organization, the Tunis Sheep Association and the Odessa Area Historical Society. The organization holds monthly meetings and workshops to explore different mediums and styles of art. “We also have painting days to have fun with art, museum visits and periodic civic projects for the community,” Nancee Wilson, president, said. “Our goal is to make Odessa an art destination.” Wilson can be contacted about the arts association at 816-7193679. Sydney Stevens was one of the award-winning artists at the 2022 art show. 309 N. Oak Bates City, MO 64011 Office: (816) 690-4611 Fax: (816) 690-7416 Steve & LiSa BaiLey ALL YOUR DIRT WORK OR PIPE WORK NEEDS E-MAIL: lbailey@katexcavation.com Free Estimates