
2023-2024 Odessa City Guide Page 3 Welcome to the wonderful community of Odessa! As a longtime resident, I can say that Odessa is a great place to call home. Odessa maintains its small-town atmosphere yet still has quick and easy access to the Kansas City metropolitan area. Odessa has rich history we are proud of but we also are excited to see our community grow and develop into the future. Part of that growth is and has been a revitalization of our downtown business district. Our downtown has become a destination for folks of all ages who want to shop, grab a cup of coffee, have a bite to eat, or just take a walk and listen to the music playing. We have an outstanding school district which is known statewide for its excellence in education, accompanied by staff and a leadership team second to none. Our Parks and Recreation Department is another bright spot for Odessa, and it provides residents with numerous options to live happy, healthy and active lives. Keep an eye out throughout the year for events and activities which will bring fun and fulfillment to the entire family! There is a lot going on in our city. As the largest city in Lafayette County, it is important we constantly respect where we’ve been, appreciate where we are at, and look forward to where we are going. Your city government is currently doing just that through its strategic plan, and will work hard to keep Odessa out front. Whatever your reason for being in Odessa, it is my hope that you’ll feel welcome and enjoy your time here. Steve Wright, Mayor Welcome to Odessa!