
2023-2024 Odessa City Guide Page 42 “America’s Best Customer Service Bank” by Newsweek Member FDIC centralbank.net Service Odessa Outreach is a 501(c)(3) public charity created to receive funds which are then distributed to nonprofit organizations serving Odessa, Bates City and Mayview. Odessa Outreach relies entirely on the generosity of the community to help meet the needs of the local nonprofits which make a positive difference in the lives of youth, seniors and families in the community. Each donation received is distributed among several groups and therefore, gives donors the ability to help many organizations through their gift. The all-volunteer board led by Phyllis Ferguson, chairman, plans several activities throughout the year to raise funds including a July 4 duck race. Other events include a penny pitch booth at Puddle Jumper Days, Turkey Bingo in November and St. Patrick’s Bingo in March. Organization has a $25,000 annual fundraising goal. Board hears pleas for funding from eligible organizations the second Thursday in January. Groups which typically receive funding are area 4-H clubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Odessa Senior Center, Odessa Community Service Center, Partners for Odessa Parks & Recreation, House of Hope, and veterans groups. Odessa Outreach July 4 Duck Race is one of the many activities sponsored by Odessa Outreach to raise funds for local nonprofits. Residents are encouraged to participate in fundraising events and to send donations to Odessa Outreach, PO Box 40, Odessa, MO 64076. In addition, those who contribute to the United Way through salary deduction may designate Odessa Outreach as the receiving organization. All donations to Odessa Outreach are tax-deductible.