Springfield Business Journal_2019-03-25

ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL · 23 MARCH 25-31, 2019 GHN Architects + Engineers BRP Architects The new Sedalia Police Headquarters is being built downtown, adjacent to City Hall. The $4.17 million project consolidates operations into a single facility that includes public services, training, patrol officer workspaces, interview rooms, administration, investigations and evidence processing. Exterior improvements include a secured car lot, covered parking and stormwater improvements. The building is designed to reflect the downtown architectural style. Septagon Construction Co. Inc. (Sedalia) is general contractor, with engineering work by Engineering Surveys & Services LLC (Columbia), civil; Stand Structural Engineering Inc. (Harrisonville), structural; and GHN Architects + Engineers, mechanical, electrical and plumbing. The project is expected to be completed by the end of the month. All five floors of Cox College will be renovated with BRP Architects serving as project architect. The $6 million project, funded by the U.S. Economic Development Administration, donations and CoxHealth, calls for administration and student services to be housed on the first floor and faculty offices on the third. Study and activity spaces, group learning and larger classrooms are disbursed throughout. Officials say the renovation will allow for an additional 150 nursing students each year. KCI Construction Co. Inc. (St. Louis) is the general contractor, and FrankZDesign LLC is the landscape architect. Engineering work is by CJW Transportation Consultants LLC, civil; Bergmann Engineering Co. LLC, structural; and CJD Engineering LLC, mechanical and electrical. The project is expected to be finished in November. Sedalia Police Headquarters Sedalia Cox College renovation 1423 N. Jefferson Ave. ARCHITECTS ARCHITECTS