Springfield Business Journal_2019-02-25

The first-ever Audi Q8 is here. Some will drive it, all will feel it. A presence that’s impossible to ignore. With class-leading acceleration, all-wheel steering, and 335hp — the rules of performance have officially been ratified. 4 · SBJ.NET FEB. 25-MARCH 3, 2019 by Kyle Boaz · kboaz@sbj.net Banking and Finance Old Missouri Bank promoted Sheryl Asher to senior vice president of human resources. At the bank since 2016, she has assisted management in recruiting and hir- ing practices, succession planning, staff de- velopment, employee job satisfaction and staff retention. Education Robert Stricklin, executive chef of The Keeter Center at College of the Ozarks, re- ceived the Heart of the House award dur- ing the Southwest Missouri Restaurant Association’s annual Golden Fork Awards gala. With 40 years of culinary experience, Stricklin was honored for exceptional ser- vice as a back-of-the-house employee. The Southwest Missouri Restaurant Association also awarded $1,500 scholar- ships to two College of the Ozarks students, Svetlana Volkova and Daniel Worley. Health Care Stephanie Pape was named executive director of GYN Cancers Alliance. With nonprofit experience at United Way, The Kitchen Inc. and Big Brothers Big Sisters, she handles event planning, fundraising, overseeing client services and working with the board of directors. Phoenix Home Care Inc. promoted Ur- sula Gorman to corporate director of human resources. She oversees a company- wide risk management budget of $1.2 mil- lion and an employee benefits management budget of $3 million. She previously held the titles of human resources supervisor and HR manager. Cox South’s Auxiliary Gift Shop won the Albert D. Maslia Award for merchan- dising displays from Burton and Burton at The Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishings Market. Judges selected the gift shop for its creative use of space and a cohesive theme and detail. CoxHealth physician assistant Missy Abramovitz earned the Certificate of Added Qualifications specialty credential in hospital medicine from the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants. She has seven years of experience in the hospital medicine specialty and 11 years overall in health care. Abramovitz recently completed a two-year term as the first PA elected to the Cox South Medical Executive Committee. Government Sen. Jay Wasson, R-Nixa, was appointed to the Missouri Tourism Commission. The 10 members on the commission serve four- year terms, while overseeing policy and ad- ministration of tourism promotion through job creation, payroll, tax revenue and eco- nomic development. Gov. Mike Parson named David Yancey as Greene County public administrator from an interim capacity. Yancey, who’s professional experience includes time as a law office administrator, a medical office administrator and as a medical office credit manager, held the county public adminis- trator position from January 2009 to De- cember 2016 when he retired. Nonprofit Community Part- nership of the Ozarks Inc. appointed Joc- elyn Baldner and Katherine Thompson to its board of direc- tors. Baldner is an ex- ecutive vice president and chief retail officer at Central Bank of the Ozarks. Thompson is a partner at Baird, Lightner, Millsap PC, practicing civil-rights and employment law. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded $1.07 million to the Ozarks Alliance to End Homeless- ness. Member agencies receiving funds are Catholic Charities of Southern Mis- souri Inc., Great Circle, Harmony House, Housing Authority of Springfield, Mis- souri Department of Mental Health and The Kitchen Inc. The funds will be used to support local homeless services during the next year with a focus on housing. NEWSMAKERS Asher Stricklin Volkova Worley Pape Gorman Abramovitz Wasson Baldner Send your company’s new hires, promotions, awards and achievements to sbj@sbj.net o r click “Talk to SBJ” o n our homepage. Please include job titles and relevant career and educational experiences. We’ll publish high- resolution color photos attached as space permits. LET US KNOW Send announcements to kboaz@sbj.net