Springfield Business Journal_2019-02-25

• SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL PROGRESS 2019 30 The mission statement of Enterprise Commercial Group is “Helping the commu- nities that we serve prosper”. “That’s really important to us,” says President Titus Williams. “If a real estate developer doesn’t do a good job, it creates prob- lems. We don’t want to create problems, we want to be problem solvers.” “Slumlords can really wreak havoc on a community,” says Williams. “It stifles growth and depresses real estate values and can allow crime to fester. If a landlord doesn’t take care of their property, then the tenants don’t have any incentive to take care of it either.” Williams says this can create a domino effect that spreads throughout neighborhoods. To help combat this domino effect and help better the community, Enterprise Commercial Group actively partners with different non-profit organizations in loca- tions where the company has properties. “We try to have a community mindset while still doing business,” says Williams. “The non-profits we’ve partnered with have a vision to take care of people that are in distress and we’re trying to be good stew- ards and help the agencies help the people.” Enterprise Commercial Group is currently partnering with Women in Need as a place of referral for women looking for housing. The company also partners with the Rebound Foundation and will be assisting them in helping women who’ve left situations of domestic violence transi- tion into permanent housing of their own. The company has also donated land that will be used for an inclusive sensory park to the Project Bat Foundation. In 2018, Enterprise Commercial Group sponsored the Bruce Wayne Charity Gala and hosted the NAI-iCare miniature golf tournament benefitting Harmony House. Other partner- ships include The Kitchen, Inc., Springfield Land Trust, and Victory Mission. Williams has the desire to partner with other char- itable organizations and with the city. The company recently embarked on a redevelopment plan for Commercial Street by purchasing buildings from The Kitchen, Inc. and other owners. “Commercial Street is a beautiful historic district and it needs to stay a beautiful historic district,” says Williams. “Our vision for Commercial Street is not to create things that aren’t already there but to add to what is there. We see it being a destination location with an eclectic look and lots of diversity and all kinds of events.” He mentions Thriller on C-Street as representative of something he’d like to see more of throughout the year. “We believe that the redevelopment of our properties on the street will bring more traffic to the area which will hopefully start a ripple effect throughout the surrounding neighborhoods.” Enterprise Commercial Group and its affil- iates have already lined up sponsorships 2019 for the Rebound Foundation Challenge, the Sertoma Chili Cookoff, Emerald Evening, the Paisley Collins Memorial Ball, the Bruce Wayne Charity Gala, Eyes in Disguise, and plans to continue to add to that list. Focus on Community Involvement Key for Real Estate Firm Enterprise Commercial Group • 1414 Primrose Street, Suite 100 Springfield, MO 65804 • enterprisecommgroup.com • (417) 413-4687 “Everyone that works here believes in the same mission and that’s to help everyone prosper, not just ourselves.” — Titus Williams ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT